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Publications by Bal Raksha Bharat


    • Be Digismart: Digital Literacy Handbook

      This is a guide to keeping children safe from online threats and concerns in this era of the Internet. This guide helps parents and caregivers to ensure that children have a safe cyber experience.


    • SITUATION ANALYSIS: Creating Learning Opportunities and Better Nutritional Practices for Children on Move in West Bengal


    • Key Findings and Recommendations of World of India’s Girls (WINGS) 2022 Report


    • Standard Operating Procedure for Care and Protection Of Children In Street Situation:2020

      This SOP is a framework to provide care and protection for children living in the street situation through application of relevant legal mechanism and provisions provided under different government schemes and programmes. The aim is to enable successful rehabilitation of these children either through institutional care or family-based care by strengthening families that are struggling; this will be done by ensuring that these families get the benefits that they are entitled to.


    • Protect a Generation: Climate Security for India’s Children

      The growing instances of extreme weather events like floods, cyclones, erosions in disaster prone areas increases the socio economic and psychosocial vulnerabilities of children living in these geographies and threatens their fundamental rights, says PwC India – Bal Raksha Bharat India study: ‘Protect a Generation: Climate Security for India’s Children’.


    • Cost of the Diet: Making Nutritious Diet More Affordable

      The Cost of the Diet assessment in West Singhbhum district in 2019 was conducted to estimate at the lowest cost, the quantity and combination of local foods that are needed to provide a typical family with foods that meet their average needs for energy and their recommended intakes of protein, fat and micronutrients.


    • Pneumonia in India: Mapping the Challenges & Calling for Action

      This study offers an in-depth assessment of the factors affecting Pneumonia management in the five high burden states of India.


    • Spotlight on #TheInvisibles

      Bal Raksha Bharat’s study assesses the socio-economic and related conditions of children living in street situations and facilitates their mainstreaming. The study carried out a complete enumeration of street children in 10 cities (Delhi, Agra, Allahabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Mughal Sarai, Mumbai, Nashik, Pune and Kolkata) through a census survey.


    • Charter of priorities for children in urban India

      India’s urban centres are starting to command more attention in the developmental discourse as well as in policy and priority setting. This is driven by two related trends: an increasing concentration of population as well as economic activity in urban areas, particularly since liberalisation (post 1991). This document articulates the urban narrative of ‘Cities as growth engines’ to ‘Cities as centres of inclusive development’ post Articulating the urban narrative of ‘Cities as growth engines…


    • An assessment of factors responsible for diarrhoea deaths of under-five children in India

      Understanding the factors that are cause diarrhoea deaths of children in rural and urban settings across India.


    • The Road to 2021: Strategic Plan for 2019-21

      This document outlines the organisational strategy Bal Raksha Bharat resolves to adopt in the perod 2019-21 for delivering lasting results for India’s children


    • THE MANY FACES OF EXCLUSION: End of Childhood Report 2019

      In commemoration of International Children’s Day, Bal Raksha Bharat releases its second annual End of Childhood Index,
      taking a hard look at the events that rob children of their childhoods and prevent them from reaching their full


    • Education Report Card Of India

      The report card is on selected 10 indicators to know the status of the Right to Education Act.


    • Panchsheel Project

      PANCHSHEEL PROJECT: Participatory Approach for Nutrition in Children Strengthening Health Education Engineering and
      Environment Linkages. An analysis of the problem of undernutrition in Banswara district of Rajasthan and possible


    • Annual Report 2017-18

      Latest Annual Report


    • The Right Start: Investing in Early Years of Education

      This study highlights the importance of investing in early years of education for children and establishes why good
      Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) practices are needed to ensure holistic development of children.


    • Impact of Changes in Fiscal Federalism and Fourteenth Finance Commission Recommendations

      A working paper by Amarnath HK of National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) and Alka Singh of Save
      the Children India.


    • Children’s Manifesto 2019

      Ahead of General Elections 2019, children of India demand their voices to be heard and their issues to be addressed.


    • The War on Children

      Time to end grave violations against children in conflict


    • 2018 Kerala Floods: Building Back Better for Children

      A photobook on how Bal Raksha Bharat mounted a child-centric relief and rehabilitation response in the aftermath of the devastating Kerala Floods of 2018



      Achieving Breakthroughs through Child Rights Programming


    • SDI-newsletter_2

      Here’s an overview of Bal Raksha Bharat’s Stop Diarrhoea Initiative. Our recent Newsletter discusses our key achievements
      and highlights for the duration of the same.


    • EndofChildhood_Report_2018

      Our second Global End of Childhood Report and Childhood Index that examines “childhood enders” around the world.
      Factors like poverty, conflict and discrimination against girls are putting more than 1.2 billion children at
      risk of having an early end to their childhood.


    • WINGS 2018: World of India’s Girls – A study on the perception of girls’ safety in public spaces

      The report WINGS 2018: World of India’s Girls – A study on the perception of girls’ safety in public spaces examines
      the underlying gender stereotypes of adolescent boys and girls aged between 15 to 18 years and parents of adolescent
      girls. Simultaneously, it explores the implication of such gender stereotypes on the safety of girls in public
      spaces. It also gives pertinent recommendations for improving the situation.


    • Annual Report 2017

      Annual Report 2017


    • A Report on Art Based Therapy for Survivors of Trauma and Abuse in Children’s Homes

      Bal Raksha Bharat’s report on Art Based Therapy for survivors of trauma and abuse in government and NGO-run children’s
      homes for girls in Delhi.


    • End of Childhood Index Report 2017

      The End of Childhood Report is the successor to Bal Raksha Bharat’s signature publication called State of the World’s
      Mothers. This new report – the first in an annual series – takes a hard look at the events that rob children
      of their childhoods hence the theme “stolen childhoods.” These “childhood enders” represent an assault on the
      future of children. The eight indicators used to measure the end of childhood are: (1) under-5 mortality, (2)
      malnutrition that stunts growth, (3) out-of-school…


    • Care of Small Sick Newborns in Special Newborn Care Units of India

      Two Year Report: April 2013 – March 2015


    • HMIS-Report

      Maternal and New Born Health Focus in Urban Health Management Information System


    • Facilitator-cum-Organiser-Guide-for-ASHA-training

      Facilitator cum Organiser Guide for conducting refresher training on Home based new born care


    • Facilitator-cum-Organiser-guide-for-ANM-training-(English)

      Facilitator cum organizer guide training on management of sepsis in young infants


    • Pune-City-Health-Plan

      City Health Plan: Pune Municipal Corporation (2016 – 2020)


    • summary-report-Pune

      Situation of Maternal and New Born Health in Urban slums of Pune


    • summary-report-Bhubaneswar

      Situation of Maternal and New Born Health in Urban Slums of Bhubaneswar



      Situation of Meternal and New Born Health in Urban Slums of Pune


    • STUDY-FINDING-Bhubaneswar

      Situation of Maternal and New Born Health in Urban slums of Bhubaneswar


    • Maternal-and-Newborn-Health-in-Urban-India-LR-Report

      Maternal and Newborn Health in Urban India : A Monograph based on Literature Review Exercise


    • Letter of Appreciation from Telangana Government

      Letter of Appreciation from Telangana Government


    • Annual Report 2016

      Annual Report 2016


    • Every Last Girl Report

      Which are the best and worst countries to be a girl? It’s important to check just how far we have to go in achieving
      equality and freedom for all girls. And therefore, in a new report, published on the International Day of the
      Girl 2016, we’ve ranked the best and worst countries to be a girl.


    • Ambition for Children 2030 and 2016-18 Strategy

      The strategy document outlines the activities Bal Raksha Bharat will undertake, the approach it will adopt and targets
      that it plans to achieve in the strategy period 2016-2018. It also talks about the organisation’s long-term objectives
      for 2030.


    • Care of Small and Sick Newborns in the Special Newborn Care Units of India

      Care of Small and Sick Newborns in the Special Newborn Care Units of India


    • Moving on with Education: The Mobile Learning Education Initiative in Mumbai

      Moving on with Education: The Mobile Learning Education Initiative in Mumbai


    • Annual Report 2015

      Annual Report 2015


    • Bal Raksha Bharat’s Child Protection Guide Book

      Bal Raksha Bharat’s Child Protection Guide Book


    • The Hidden Workforce: A study on child labour in garment industry in Delhi

      The Hidden Workforce: A study on child labour in garment industry in Delhi


    • Forgotten Voices: The World of Urban Children in India 2015

      Forgotten Voices: The World of Urban Children in India 2015


    • The Urban Disadvantage: State of World Mothers Report 2015

      The Urban Disadvantage: State of World Mothers Report 2015


    • Bal Raksha Bharat India Annual Report 2014-15

      Bal Raksha Bharat India Annual Report 2014-15


    • The World of India’s Girls (2014) Report

      The World of India’s Girls (2014) Report


    • ‘Children’s Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2014’ – Translating Children’s Rights into Reality

      ‘Children’s Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2014’ – Translating Children’s Rights into Reality


  • ‘Children’s Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2014’ – Translating Children’s Rights into Reality

    ‘Children’s Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2014’ – Translating Children’s Rights into Reality


  • Caught in Crossfire: Children and education in regions affected by civil strife

    Caught in Crossfire: Children and education in regions affected by civil strife


  • SOP for Care and Protection of Children in Street Situations

    Standard Operating Procedure for care and protection of children in street situations


  • Every Last Child Report 2016

    Bal Raksha Bharat India launched the Global Every’ Last Child Report on the day of the launch of its ‘Every Last
    Child’ Campaign, in the presence of important dignitaries from Government


  • Life on the Street Report 2016

    Life on the Street Report 2016 was launched at the launch of ‘Every Last Child’ campaign of Bal Raksha Bharat India.
    An important focus of the campaign is to remove children from streets and put them in schools and get them their


  • Urbanisation in India and children on the street

    Recommendations to be followed keeping in mind the Urbanisation in India and the Children living in street situation.


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