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Being resilient, in simple terms, means being able to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations. Bal Raksha Bharat, an organisation that works to protect children in India, is helping children across India become more resilient, through its childrens resilience program. Their priorities, in the domain of resilience-building, include keeping children safe and healthy, and preventing neglect, abuse, or harm. The organisation emphasises the need for every child to feel secure, loved and cared for properly, and as a result, and this is reflected in their child protection programmes.

Preparing for Natural Disasters

India, by virtue of its climate and location, has a high exposure to natural disasters like floods, cyclones, and earthquakes. Bal Raksha Bharat’s resilience and prevention program teaches children and communities to respond effectively to disasters. Bal Raksha Bharat collaborates with local schools, families and government officials. Together, they create systems and environments to better protect children. By including everyone, solutions are found that address the unique needs and cultures of each community.

Participating in Climate Planning

Rebuilding green environments is one thing, but there’s another way kids are becoming resilient leaders. Bal Raksha Bharat ensures children have a voice in how villages and cities plan to adapt to climate change impacts. Children get to participate in meetings with local government officials, share their concerns, give input on ideas and be part of the decision-making process. By including children’s perspectives, solutions are more likely to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. It empowers children to build resilience in their communities.

Urgent Relief in Crises

When emergencies or disasters strike, children are often the most vulnerable. That’s why Bal Raksha Bharat’s resilience and prevention program provides urgent relief like food, water, shelter and medical care to children in crises. Having a rapid response ensures children’s basic needs are met so they can start recovering and rebuilding their lives. Relief allows resilience to take root.

Strengthening to Withstand Challenges

Life can bring many difficulties – from poverty and discrimination to climate change impacts. Bal Raksha Bharat helps children, families and communities build up their ability to withstand and adapt to these ongoing hardships. They develop skills, resources and strategies to persistently bounce back stronger than before.

Sustainable Living for All

While addressing children’s urgent needs is crucial, Bal Raksha Bharat also looks to the future. They promote sustainable development that uplifts entire communities for the long term. By improving access to basics like education, healthcare and jobs, families can escape poverty. These children can then grow up resilient in a more stable, thriving environment. Bal Raksha Bharat engages children and families in nature-based solutions, enabling children to take the lead in activities like restoring local biodiversity, conserving watersheds and forests, and using sustainable farming methods. Not only does this improve the health of the ecosystems, but it teaches children and communities to live in harmony with nature. It makes you all more resilient by securing resources long-term. 

School Eco-Warriors

Bal Raksha Bharat partners with urban schools on green programmes. Students get to lead the charge in activities like recycling, composting, cleaning neighbourhoods, planting trees and gardens, and conserving energy and water. These hands-on learning experiences demonstrate to them how their daily actions impact the environment, and they build skills to create sustainable cities better prepared for climate challenges.

Resilient Livelihoods

The organization provides support with new jobs and ways to earn income that are resistant to climate impacts. Families learn skills and get resources to diversify their livelihoods so they can survive and bounce back from difficulties. Kids directly benefit when parents can better provide for the household during tough times. Building this economic resilience is key. 

Harnessing Smart Tech Solutions

Bal Raksha Bharat incorporates lots of cutting-edge solutions into its childrens resilience program. New apps are provided to communities to facilitate early warning alerts about incoming disasters. Families get access to digital services for healthcare, education, mobile banking and more through programs like SMARTPUR.  Entrepreneurs are also trained to launch green businesses in sustainable energy, waste management, agri-tech and other eco-friendly industries. By harnessing smart tech for social good, children can access resources that make them and their communities stronger and more resilient.

Soumi Halder
Manager-Program Campaign and Communication, Programme Support

“ With over 20 years of dedicated experience in the social development sector, I am passionate about championing child rights and community empowerment through innovative communication strategies. I am Manager for Programme Campaigns and Communication with Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children)."

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