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What is the Impact of Poverty on Children in India


India has achieved great success in poverty reduction from 2014 to 2024, especially, when it comes to the percent of the population which was considered to be living in ‘extreme poverty’. Today, millions of Indians have the ability to get the necessities of life. Poverty percentages have reduced sharply, and the standard of living is rising across the country. Such a tremendous decline in poverty rates underlines the success of different government policies, economic changes, and social security programmes. Specifically, enhanced access to the financial sector, specific poverty alleviation initiatives, enhanced farmers’ yield per acre and growth of the formal employment market. These have improved health, education, and quality living standards, among other areas of development that hugely affect millions of people in India, especially children who are the most sensitive to extreme poverty. India has also made good progress in the reduction of multidimensional poverty

India’s ambition and success in poverty alleviation hold several lessons and insights. The advancement that has been registered should also infuse us with greater confidence – this is a cause on which we must continue working for helping poor children. Here is how we can continue making a difference.

Effective Measures For Helping Poor Children


The absence of literacy, has in the past, enforced poverty because it restricts one’s chances of finding a job. On the other hand, quality education empowers children who, in turn, become effective adults who can transform their lives instead of suffering intergenerational poverty. This calls for expanding access to schools and increasing the quality of education via better preparation of teachers, more relevant curricula, as well as the use of modern technology in teaching. To help support these efforts, you can choose to donate for child education, ensuring a better future for children in need.


Healthy children can learn better and thus can be great assets to society. Health interventions comprise increasing the availability of basic health care services, enhancing programmes related to maternal and child health status, and addressing the issue of malnutrition. In addition, relevant health interventions include enhancing immunisation services, and exposure to water and sanitation facilities, as well as health education in schools and the general society. These efforts are essential for helping poor children thrive in a healthier environment. Additionally, mental healthcare access to children and adolescents should be incorporated into the healthcare system.

Employment opportunities

More jobs are accelerating the rates of sustainable economic development. This comprises of creating economic infrastructure in rural areas and establishing and supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Industry-relevant skill development programs via curriculum upgradation are steadily solving the mismatch between education and employment. Special emphasis should be placed on developing competencies in new fields and encouraging opportunities for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs to help the poor people.

Family Planning

Promoting the use of affordable family planning methods assists families and supports the healthy upbringing of children. This is achieved by promoting relevant education, including special sex education, increased access to contraceptives, and the creation of awareness on the importance of family planning. Community-based programmes that engage males in family planning conversations and decisions are likely to yield effective results. Cultural issues that may hinder the use of family planning products must also be addressed properly by introducing more awareness programs that remove the myths and misconceptions about family planning.

Changing Mindsets

The communities in which children grow up should be free from prejudice, stereotyping, and bias so that every child has a fairer chance at life. Community-based dialogue that brings about cohesion within various social demographics can help unlock the fullest power of India’s diversity and move us, as a nation, towards greater equity. Moreover, educating children and youth so that they can promote change within their community is an effective enabler of change. By empowering and supporting initiatives that help needy person, we can further ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.


While administrative measures government policies and schemes are important, people’s action also plays a vital role in eradicating poverty. Organisations such as Bal Raksha Bharat, through contributions towards poverty solutions and causes, can foster a better tomorrow for India’s next generation.

Bal Raksha Bharat, also known as Save the Children India, is deeply committed to tackling child poverty. They don’t just offer traditional schooling; they go beyond to provide vocational training and life skills, which are crucial for empowering children from underprivileged backgrounds. This helps set them on a path to overcoming poverty. Moreover, it supports families in achieving sustainable livelihoods and ensures children can access crucial social services and benefits, paving the way for their future success. Through advocacy and engaging communities, they push for public policies and societal changes that tackle the underlying causes of poverty. To further support this mission, you can donate to NGO initiatives that help poor children and strengthen efforts in child protection.

Gaurav Sharma
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