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Educating Underprivileged Children in India


Our nation is full of people who are all aspiring to live a better life. Despite being diverse, with many cultures, languages, and traditions co-existing, what has kept us going is our common sense of purpose and our common dream of a better tomorrow. High-quality education can enable our people to achieve their goals and aspirations. Through education, people can access the skills and insights they need to open new doors and unlock opportunities. This is a call to action for all to invest in the cause of education – and specifically for children education.  Here is why we must all donate for child education.

Fighting poverty

Children education can be seen as the single most powerful force in the nation’s collective ambition to end poverty. This is because of the many ways that education tackles poverty. For example, an educated workforce can secure better-paying employment, as their skills have far greater commercial value in the job marketplace. This is the primary impact of education. Secondarily, the next generation of children would be born into households and families that have greater insight into the role of education; by virtue of being born into such a household, they would not have to tackle the challenges that their parents had to address. Over time, societal transformation would have taken place, and there would be far greater ambition for careers in fields that were once out of reach, such as medicine, engineering, or technology. An educated nation, in turn, only aspires for greater growth, creating positive momentum for the future.

Educating the girl child

India is unlocking the latent potential of the girl child through education. Educated girls become empowered women who are able to take decisive actions to transform the trajectory of their lives and their communities. Over time, they set new benchmarks for what girls can achieve in their own neighbourhoods and communities and inspire many generations of girls. In the process, educated girls challenge gender limitations and promote gender equality wherever they go – in the classroom, in the workplace, and in making decisions that matter. Data shows that educated girls will delay marriage, have fewer children, and invest in family welfare, bringing tangible benefits to maternal and child health.

Strengthening harmony in society

One of the functions of education is to foster a common sense of appreciation for the diverse cultures, languages, and traditions that define living in India. Through education, children can understand how diverse cultures can fit together. This is especially crucial now, as Indian culture, manifested through food, music, cinema, arts, and other expression, is appreciated the world over. At the same time, education also prepares Indian children to both be proud of their culture, while understanding how to co-exist and thrive in a multicultural world.

Achieving equity for the next generations

Education can put children, no matter who they are or where they are from, on an equal footing. It levels the playing ground and creates a new pathway to success. Irrespective of socio-economic background, all children are equal in the classroom. It is in the classroom that social mobility, beyond the barriers of caste, class, and economic status, can be expressed.  At the same time, educated children are also able to comprehend their duties to their fellow citizens. Through education, especially through subjects like economics and social studies, they can learn that they have a role in supporting equitable growth and opportunity for the lesser-privileged. The classroom syllabus’ coverage of topics like human rights, democracy, and civic engagement, brings to life the idea that they too can influence the decision-making processes that shape their communities.

From these aspects, it is clear that education creates a flywheel of positive impact for not only today’s generation but successive generations into the future. Every educated child can make a difference, and every citizen can make a difference by opting to donate for child education.

Bal Raksha Bharat, also known as Save the Children, is an NGO that supports child education in India through inclusive and equitable learning initiatives. They emphasise early childhood care, foundational literacy, and numeracy skills, and ensure a safe school environment for children. They also focus on enrollment and retention in schools and provide vocational training for youth and adults.

Soumi Halder
Manager-Program Campaign and Communication, Programme Support

“With over 20 years of dedicated experience in the social development sector, I am passionate about championing child rights and community empowerment through innovative communication strategies. I am Manager for Programme Campaigns and Communication with Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children)."


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