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Over 6 lakh benefit from Bal Raksha Bharat-Nokia Technology intervention on Disaster Risk Reduction

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-7000 task force members trained to build resilience during emergencies

14 March, New Delhi: Bal Raksha Bharat, in partnership with NOKIA Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, has benefitted over 6 lakh people, including 2.5 lakh children through their ‘Building Resilience of Children and their Communities’ project. The 3-level integrated intervention of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) and Information Technology, across 350 villages, capacitated communities affected by developmental and weather related risks.

The project supported schools and communities in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu towards making them resilient, while also empowering them to access and sustain a dignified life.

Key government representatives from the states reflected on significant achievements of this project at a Lessons Learnt Workshop held in Delhi-NCR today. Speaking on the occasion, Bidisha Pillai, CEO, Bal Raksha Bharat, said, “It’s been a fantastic partnership between Nokia and Bal Raksha Bharat on this programme, where building a resilience mechanism was the foundation of our work. Given the patterns of climate change related disasters, and given that India has many high-risk zones, there was a critical urgency to capacitate at-risk communities. We used a context specific, integrated approach with Nokia’s technological support and our social innovations, to developed coping mechanisms. I thank all our collaborators, including the government agencies, with whose support, our reach has been phenomenal”.

India is among the most disaster risk-prone and vulnerable countries in the world. Children are often the most affected in such situations as their education, nutrition, safety and overall care and protection is jeopardized.

Child Centered Resilience and Adaptation (CCRA) is a niche approach of Bal Raksha Bharat towards an accountable implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Agreements as well as New Urban Agenda with integration of SDG. The organization has developed an innovative approach towards empowering Children, Communities, Institutions and Governance with five pillars of Action in Disaster Risk Reduction.

The other stakeholders on this project were National Disaster Response Force, State as well as District Disaster Management Authority, Department of Education, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Juvenile Justice Board, Child Welfare Committees, Panchayats and Schools,  to directly benefit children.

Multipurpose Resource Centre for Children was set up in Tamil Nadu, which caters to needs of children in contact with law and those in need of care and protection. With support from Government of Andhra Pradesh, India’s first Comprehensive School Safety Curriculum was also developed and released by MHRD Minister in March 2018. In Rajasthan, Bal Raksha Bharat collaborated with the Education department to develop the District Comprehensive School Safety Plan. During 2017 the Education Department, Govt. of Delhi invited Bal Raksha Bharat India to contribute to the ‘Comprehensive School Safety’, which became the statutory guideline for all public, govt. aided, private schools in Delhi on school safety, promulgated through an official circular from the Director, Education Department.

Children’s Health & Hygiene Clubs (CHHCs) were also formed across schools in project locations  and a total of 1124 adults and 319 children received government scheme benefits through the project intervention, which is 41% of the total number of persons (adult & children) identified as eligible for specific active schemes.

The project ensured that children remain at the centre of critical planning and development, with them being direct beneficiaries and critical to building a resilient community.

Bal Raksha Bharat celebrates 100 years of working for and with children, to bring them their entitled rights to identity, education, health, protection and humanitarian needs.

Please direct all media queries to:
Geeta Lama     +91 7708655058         geeta.lama@savethechildren.in

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