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How the No-Detention Policy Affects Teacher-Student Relationships


In the context of the formal chalkboard-and-chair classroom experience, we tend to forget that education is more than just the transmission of knowledge. It has a higher and more significant function – shaping young minds, fostering curiosity, and instilling the discipline required to succeed in life. A teacher, therefore, wears many hats, all at once, in their professional journey. They are educators as well as mentors and guides. Their use of classroom mechanisms, such as detention, has evolved down the decades, based on the unique aspects, such as classroom discipline and its linkages to academic performance.  

Notably, the Union Government scrapped the no detention policy in December 2024. The introduction and then the subsequent removal of the no detention policy has led to some debate on how teacher-student relationships can be evolved to meet learning outcomes.

This decision has brought to the fore how academic accountability, learning engagement, trust, and guidance in the classroom must be balanced. To put the policy in its fullest context, we must explore how teacher-student dynamics evolve in the presence or absence of a no-detention framework. We also must consider the role that the education system must play to ensure a balanced and effective learning experience.

No detention policy: meaning and impact on learning

The no detention policy was introduced in 2010 under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009. It ensured that students up to Class VIII would not be held back due to academic performance. Instead, they would be promoted automatically, irrespective of how well or poorly they did. This allowed them to study in a continuous and stress-free learning environment and focus on scholastic understanding rather than fear for the next exam. It also reduced dropout rates and encouraged a more holistic, child-friendly approach to education, where learning would not be solely based on annual examinations.

However, there was a visible and sudden impact of the deployment of the no detention policy, meaning that students were suddenly freed from what had been a singular defining reason for studying – passing exams. Consequently, there was no incentive to perform well. Concerns arose about the dilution of academic rigor. Also observed was a lack of motivation among students and teachers, who previously had a clear and simple metric against which they would plan and prepare.

Now, the scrappage of the policy has brought back mandatory examinations and conditional promotions in many schools. This ensures that students meet minimum learning benchmarks before advancing to the next grade and also acts as a reset of how teachers interact with students, how they motivate, assess, and support learning, and the broader emotional and psychological landscape of classrooms.

Read Also: Right to Education Act (RTE) -Importance & Responsibilities

How the scrapping of the no-detention policy alters teacher-student relationships

The no-detention policy encouraged student engagement in a more holistic way but was seen to have brought down academic accountability. Now, with conditional promotions having been formally reinstated, teachers are liable to a renewed responsibility to ensure that students meet minimum learning benchmarks. Thus, with exams deciding their academic trajectory, students are now more accountable for their performance. This means that teachers must find a balance between academic pressure and student well-being. There is also a greater emphasis on structured assessment, which can sometimes reduce personalised and holistic learning. Clearly, the challenge is enabling students to meet learning goals without experiencing undue stress or disengagement.

The paradigm of fear-based learning

The return of exam anxiety and the fear of failure has restructured the relationship that schoolchildren have with their academic growth.  Even as teachers become more narrowly focused on exam preparation than conceptual learning, students may hesitate to ask questions out of fear of judgment or the understanding that memorising answers is more meaningful than actual academic curiosity.

Ways to strengthen teacher-student relationships in the new learning landscape

Regardless of the role that exams are given to play in the academic journey, the foundation of the classroom experience, the teacher-student relationship, remains the cornerstone of effective education. To ensure students continue to receive high-quality, inclusive, and supportive education, the role of NGOs that provide remedial education, especially to underprivileged students, comes to the fore. These NGOs understand the need for extra coaching for underprivileged students, interactive learning environments beyond traditional classrooms, and balancing academic progress and emotional well-being. 

One way to support such initiatives is to donate for education, ensuring that learning resources, mentorship programs, and teacher training can continue to enhance academic experiences. Many NGOs also implement community-driven initiatives where individuals volunteer as mentors or tutors who help bridge learning gaps through direct teaching.  Supporting these programs through a ‘donate for education’ initiative enables disadvantaged students to access quality learning experiences.


Bal Raksha Bharat, also known as Save the Children India, has been actively involved in enhancing the educational experiences of students across the country.  By equipping schools with educational resources, the child NGO in India strives to create a more engaging and effective learning experience for students, which can indirectly influence their performance in examinations.

Through financial contributions, individuals and businesses can donate for child education, ensuring that underprivileged students receive the guidance, mentorship, and resources needed to succeed.  The child NGO in India also works to address learning gaps and ensure that students have the necessary resources to succeed academically.

Anikait Suri


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