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West Bengal Projects

Projects in West Bengal

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The project aims at improving quality and learning continuity as a child transitions from early childhood care and education into the primary grade. The focus is on developing an ecosystem where continuum in educational experiences of children is prioritised. All the relevant stakeholders including anganwadi centers, schools, homes, and communities enable each child starts early and complete his/her foundation learning.
Theme: Education

Increased Preparedness and Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements of Kolkata City

This initiative focuses towards empowering schools, children and communities in informal urban settlements to become disaster and risk resilient. This is done through child friendly, gender sensitive and inclusive urban risk reduction and resilience programming.
Theme: Disaster Risk Reduction

New Horizons

This is a skill development and employment generation program initiated in Kolkata and is ongoing since 2008. The program aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty across generations by developing economically viable life and technical skills amongst adolescents and youth more likely to fall into poverty. So far the initiative has contributed in transforming the lives of more than 3500 economically marginalized adolescents & young adults. The programme has also initiated Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) through which youth and their families in poor communities are linked with social protection schemes.
Theme: Poverty & Inclusion

Improved Child Protection Services

Strengthen capacities of block and district level child protection personnel to work in convergence for timely disposal of protection concerns/cases.
Theme: Child Protection

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