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light up her life

Light Up Her Life

With every step a girl takes in the city or village, fear lurks around her in dark alleys, an unlit lane, and even in public spaces.​ According to our report WINGS 2018, 60% of adolescent girls felt unsafe in dark alleys or public spaces with inadequate lighting​. This fear continues to haunt women and girls to date.

Our campaign, #LightUpHerLife amplifies the issue of girls’ safety. We have garnered support through the act of storytelling to channel public opinion into action. Simultaneously, we have been collaborating with partners and advocating the necessity of adequately lit streets.

Our Approach & Impact

  • Use of Social Media

    A record of unlit places was shared with the government authorities for further action. The public too can chime in by geotagging and using the hashtag #LightUpHerLife, which will then be posted on social media to draw attention to the issue and will help the government take accountability.

  • Use of data-backed creatives

    Data-backed creatives are used with new-age emojis to spread awareness on the issue of girls’ safety.

  • Survey & Accountability

    Through simultaneous events across India, we celebrated International Day of the Girl in many project areas by locating unlit areas and meeting with duty bearers to ensure responsibility is taken. Additionally, on National Girl Child Day, we launched a nationwide survey to assess girls’ safety, which was circulated across all digital platforms.

  • Data Collection

    We are now scaling surveys across different states to gather data from the field, which will be used to inform the public on the realities of girls’ safety and sustain the impact of the campaign.

We have achieved considerable success ever since we embarked on the journey to #LightUpHerLife.

  • Partnership with IIT Bombay Bal Raksha Bharat in partnership with IIT Bombay brought together the 3rd edition of ‘The Changemakers Series’ on the issue of Girl Safety in India ahead of the National Day of Girl Child celebrated annually on 24th January.
  • Discussion with noted influencers An engaging discussion took place with leading influencers including Dia Mirza, Actor and Artist Ambassador of Bal Raksha Bharat; Elsa Marie D’Silva, Founder and CEO of Safecity; Nayana Chowdhury, Director of Program of Breakthrough; Anand Tewari, Actor and Director; Latifa Sheikh, Child Champion; and Pragya Vats, Head of Campaigns, Bal Raksha Bharat. This panel was moderated by Nikhil Taneja, Co-founder and CEO of Yuvaa.

Support and collaboration of our partners have brought #LightUpHerLife campaign its due success.

Do your part, take a stand and show your support to #LightUpHerLife.

  • Encourage change by supporting #LightUpHerLife.

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