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Meet the 6-year-old Garima. She has never seen her father since the day she was born, because he was busy working out of state to provide for the family. Her mother is differently-abled and can’t do much in providing for the family.

Being left by her husband to survive with 3 growing kids, her mother found no support from her family. She resorted to begging in order to meet the daily needs of her kids.

In December 2019, through Bal Raksha Bharat’s project, an enrolment drive was initiated. Garima and her siblings were enrolled in the school and is now mixing with other children of her age, regularly having mid-day meal in school. Garima’s mother is a little bit relieved after this enrolment, because she believes that education will open new doors for her.

*Name and image of the child have been changed to ensure the safety.


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