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13-years-old Jatin’s life is not easy, living in the Nala Camp area of RangpuriPahari in New Delhi the young lad faces hardships on an everyday basis. He lives with his mother, father, two sisters and one brother. The area where the family stays has no proper roads and has proximity to the jungle and thus, there is always a threat of snake attacks. There is also a major water shortage in the area which leads to violence and fights among the residents.

Jatin is a bright student, he reads at the Government Boys Secondary School which is at a distance of 3 km from his home. Every day he has to walk to his school, lack of proper roads makes it tough for him to commute. Despite the distance and the tough terrain, he is a regular at school. Jatin’s favourite subject is Social Studies.

Jatin attended Bal Raksha Bharat’s Child Champion Training. When asked about what he learned, he said, “I learned that we should help disabled people rather than making fun of them. I have started helping whoever I can. I felt really good the day I helped my friend who is mute by explaining to others what he meant. I stop others from making fun of him. There was a time when even I used to make fun of him but now I’ve stopped because I understand that everyone has their struggles.”

He added, “I had no clue about ChildLine and how children can avail help through the number in case of some problem”. He wants to help Anjali, a young girl living near his home. Anjali wants to study but her parents don’t let her study. They hit her and make her work forcefully. Jatin says that the next time he witnesses something wrong happening with her he will surely call the ChildLine for help.

He says, “I told my parents about what all I learned in the Child Champion Training and they were very happy and told me to attend such trainings and learn more. I want to attend more workshops so that I learn more about my rights.” Jatin loves dancing. He says, “I love dancing but there are no dance classes near our home so I and my friend, Sameer, have formed a group through which we all learn from each other.”

Gaurav Sharma

“ I am editor and technical person at Bal Raksha Bharat who publish some article and posts. I am responsible for evaluating, editing, consistency, and user experience of articles across website."

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