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Meet Nandini, a 13-year-old, oldest of five siblings. She lived in a dilapidated house in the village of Burmu Ranchi. However, her life was not the life an ordinary teenager.

Her father suffered from a mental illness and died shortly before her sixth birthday. Her mother abandoned them when they were very young. To add to the misery, the financial instability made their lives harder. School and formal education were completely out of question.

Once she reached her maternal uncle’s home, they decided to enrol her in the local school. They were convinced that if Nandini wanted to change her life, education was imperative. Having been an “out-of-school” child for all these years, her classes seemed difficult and academic performance dwindled.

Through Bal Raksha Bharat’s initiative in her village, all academically weak children were provided extra classes to help them cope.

There has been a significant improvement in Nandini’s academic performance and this has boosted her confidence in unimaginable ways.

Nandini says, “You can get anything you want if you are educated.”

*Name and image of the child have been changed to ensure the safety.


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