Three-year-old Sakshi* lives in a small room in Sai Baba Nagar with her parents and her younger sister. At first glance, she looks feeble and very short for her age.
Her parents struggle with living a life with financial instability and the inability to even provide two meals a day. Sakshi’s father is a daily-wage labourer and works as a waste segregator with a mere income of Rs. 100 per day. Her mother is a housewife.
Poor nutrition, hygiene and financial instability made Sakshi susceptible to illnesses. Her mother reached out to Bal Raksha Bharat’s health worker. Soon, it was found that Sakshi fell in the Severely Acute Malnourished category.
She was then asked to attend Bal Raksha Bharat’s Supplementary Feeding Programme (SFP) in which she learnt about the importance of a nutritious diet and some nutritious recipes. Within six months, Sakshi reached a healthy weight range.
Now Sakshi’s mother not only understands importance of nutrition herself, but actively counsels other women in her community about the importance of breastfeeding and nutritious food.
*Name and image of the child have been changed to ensure the safety.