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Giving Wings to Zannat’s Ambitions

Story of Change

Zannat is a 12 year old girl. She lives with her mother who has been living in Maratha Mandir for the past 30 years. Her father left them 10 years back. Since then, her mother has been taking care of all the household chores and running the errands for the family. Zannat’s mother is working as a domestic worker and earns just Rs.3500 per month.

Zannat was studying in ninth class and was all set to give her board exams next year. But because her mother’s income was hardly sufficient for them to survive and they were finding it difficult to make both ends meet, she had to drop out of school. She was a supportive person and decided to help her mother.

The very chirpy and enthusiastic Zannat was no longer the same as she grew up in a broken family and they were facing financial crisis. It was her dream to study further and do something big in life.

It was when Bal Raksha Bharat supported her by giving her various need-based trainings on child rights and education that she got a chance to contact Hamara Foundation. She talked about her ambition and dreams with them. With appropriate intervention she got admission in the night school. She wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She started writing stories on street children and soon become a child journalist. Her stories started getting published in the quarterly newsletters.

There are many more children like Zannat who have dreams and the calibre to fulfil them. But they just don’t get a chance to actualise their potential. By the support of kind-hearted donors like you, children like Zannat can get a chance to accomplish their dreams. To donate press

Gaurav Sharma
Content Reviewer

“I am an editor and technical specialist at Bal Raksha Bharat, responsible for publishing articles and posts. My role involves evaluating content for consistency, and ensuring a positive user experience across the website."


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