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Meet Amit*, a young guy from Biswanath District in Assam. His story is that of perseverance and determination. He is the oldest amongst his three other siblings. The seniors of the family did not feel compelled to send him to school for him to pursue his education.

Rather, he was sent off to the city to work as a domestic servant and add to the “family income”.. He was unaware of the new avenues that existed beyond the responsibilities he was carrying on his shoulders. He soon returned to his village, where despite the assurances of education, he was relegated to working at home.

It was only after coming into contact with Children Group and Child Protection Committee initiated by Bal Raksha Bharat in his area and regular consultation with his parents, Amit was enrolled in the local government school. He is now in class two and loves going to school like the rest of his friends and likes to play football and cricket.

With the little acts of change, Amit could find his childhood back and could take off the rock of responsibilities from his shoulders.

*Name and image of the child have been changed to ensure the safety.


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