Rajni, an Anganwadi Worker from Indra Kalyan Vihar in Delhi, has been working with the community for over five years. But with the lockdown imposed in Delhi, she has been unable to move out much. Also, no community members now visit the Centre to avail themselves any services – all this is depriving the children of the essential and regular support and care.
While Rajni was keen to make home visits to check on the children, young mothers, and pregnant ladies, she was afraid to venture out of her home to meet community people due to the rapidly rising cases of COVID-19. Moreover, there is an unavailability of proper safety gear- like PPE Kits, gloves, masks, etc. for her to follow safety norms and avoid exposure to the infection.
While the health system is overburdened, Anganwadi workers become the first in line to respond to crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic leaves behind. They provide first aid and critical care for those lives who are unable to afford healthcare, moreover services that even the hospitals are now unable to provide.
As part of its COVID-19 relief intervention, Bal Raksha Bharat came forward and helped frontline workers like Rajni by providing them with PPE kits, included nitrile gloves, sanitizers and triple-layered masks. Rajni is now using these protective gears to reach out to the community and make home visits to follow up on the wellbeing of children and pregnant women.
Explains Rajni, “I am overwhelmed with this support I received from Bal Raksha Bharat and their community mobiliser. They provided me with the safety kit, which enabled me to restart the services of the Anganwadi Centre (AWC) without any fear of catching the infection. I got supported with ample stock of protective gear; I can now change my mask daily and sanitise myself and the Centre. This is helping me ensure that not only me but anyone coming to the AWC is also safe in this ongoing pandemic. Bal Raksha Bharat’s support is helping me keep the AWC open for distribution of take-home ration and other essential services without any fear of the spread of infection during this second wave of the pandemic.”
Children at the Centre of COVID’s Second Surge – Your Support Matters
As the Coronavirus tsunami sweeps cities and towns across India, the vulnerable children who already grappled with issues like lack of education and healthcare, compromised safety and abuse, are at a high risk of suffering even more. The pandemic threatens to reverse the gains made for children and jeopardizes their future gravely.
Bal Raksha Bharat is geared up to respond to this unprecedented emergency and will be reaching 1 million children and their communities. Our response will cover providing Oxygen Support, COVID Care Kits, Hygiene Kits, Food Baskets, Education Support, Livelihood Support and Psycho-social Counselling. We cannot do this alone. Help us reach those in real need by making a contribution DONATE NOW.