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Aditi’s Story: Making difference in the world, one step at a time.

Meet Aditi*, a sixteen-year-old from Mominpura, Govandi. She lives with her grandmother, labourer parents and her two siblings. Stepping out of the house to interact with her community was never allowed. And this is not just Aditi’s story, but the story of many young girls living in Shivaji Nagar, Nagpur.

While working in the community, Bal Raksha Bharat’s social worker met her. Gradually, Aditi began to develop interest in the work that Bal Raksha Bharat was undertaking in the community & understood the long lasting impact it could have on her community. It took a lot of efforts and much counselling to let Aditi’s family allow her to take part in the project.

And eventually, she showcased good leadership skills and it wasn’t too long, before she became the adolescent leader in the program. Seeing their daughter grow in such circumstances was almost like turning a new leaf.

Aditi said, “It gives me immense pleasure when I see the difference in those children who need regular growth monitoring”.

It hasn’t been easy for her, but with one step at a time, she has made sure that her acts do make a difference in the world she lives in.

*Name and image of the child have been changed to ensure the safety.

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