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Secretariat for Pneumonia and Diarrhea is Being set up to Provide Support to TAG

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Background-Secretariat for Pneumonia and Diarrhea is being set up to provide overall technical, administrative and logistical support to National Child Health Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Pneumonia and Diarrhea, of Government of India. Bal Raksha Bharat, India will serve as the Secretariat for National TAG endeavors, thereby facilitating improvement in Pneumonia and Diarrhea Programming in India.

Mission: Secretariat will facilitate Child Health Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in setting the directions for design, implementation and monitoring of programs for tackling Pneumonia and Diarrhea in under 5 children, including research and campaigns.

Members of Technical advisory group/s for Pneumonia and Diarrhea programming: Government (Central and State Government agencies), Academia, Research and training institutes, Health Care Professional associations, NGOs, Civil Society Organization, bilateral and multilateral donors and UN agencies.The meetings of the TAG on Pneumonia and Diarrhea will be chaired by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and co-chaired by the Partner organization head.

Role of Secretariat: Secretariat will serve as a platform for expediting review of information, tools, guidelines,sub-national/national/international best practicesand provide feedback for betterment of Pneumonia and Diarrhea Programme in the country.


  • Secretariat will provide overall technical, administrative and logistical support to help achieve the mission.
  • Act as a repository of information and documents on Pneumonia and Diarrhea
  • Facilitate regular meetings of the Technical Advisory Group on Pneumonia and Diarrhea.
  • Support development of documents such as  reports, researches, guidelines etc
  • Facilitate field visits to different locations in order to monitor progress in the field and use observed information to provide technical feedback to the programme
  • Facilitate planning, implementation and monitoring Defeat diarrhea and SAANS campaigns in the States
  • Contribute to provide technical guidance on all aspects of the activities that are proposed for the pneumonia diarrhea programme and contribute to the regular evaluation of the programme  and suggest changes if required
  • Contribute to administrative and strategic planning (evolution of structure and ideas for advocacy events etc.)
  • Develop and maintain relationships with and between key government and non-government entities that contribute to pneumonia and diarrhea programming

Composition and Proposed Membership of the Technical Advisory Group*

  1. Dr. Ajay Khera (MOHFW), CHAIR
  2. Partner Head- Co-Chair
  3. Dr. Sila Deb (MOHFW)
  4. Dr. Sheetal Rahi (MOHFW)
  5. Consultants from CH division, MoHFW
  6. WHO, India Country Office
  7. Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital and LHMC
  9. CHAI
  10. USAID
  11. AIIMS, New Delhi
  12. IPE Global
  13. Bal Raksha Bharat
  14. Nutrition International
  15. ICMR representative
  16. Representatives from few State governments

*Special invitees can be called as per need of the meeting and agenda

Gaurav Sharma
Content Reviewer

“I am an editor and technical specialist at Bal Raksha Bharat, responsible for publishing articles and posts. My role involves evaluating content for consistency, and ensuring a positive user experience across the website."


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