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Bal Raksha Bharat Impact: Uttar Pradesh Government Allocates 8.2 crore for Women Safety

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We made it happen! Almost a year back, based on findings of World of India’s Girls (WINGS) Report 2018, that stated that more than 60% of adolescent girls expressed that they felt unsafe in streets or other public spaces with inadequate lighting, we initiated our campaign called #LightUpHerLife. This power-packed campaign aimed to make public spaces safer for women through a string of initiatives. It revolved around driving a mass movement to identify unlit spaces, advocating for CCTV Cameras on streets, a more robust and unified ask for street lights in unlit and isolated areas and promoting a culture where women are made to feel safe.

The recent announcement by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for allocation of INR 8.2 crore for the measures for women safety in public places has come as a welcome move! This news is a positive reassurance that the government is listening and has taken cognizance of our asks for a safer country for women.

As part of our campaign, the UP state teams reached out to government representatives, police residents associations, unions, media, and youth. Everyone joined the rallying cry of lighting up spaces across the state and capital city of Lucknow. From regional radio channels to newspapers, the media voiced the need for girls and women’s safety in public spaces.

The lead taken by the UP government to ensure the safety of women and girls in the state is a ray of hope for us to not lose steam at working towards the agenda of girl safety.

With your support, we will achieve bigger and better milestones and truly #LightUpHerLife.

Gaurav Sharma
Content Reviewer

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