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In 2021, Bal Raksha Bharat and our Child Protection Ambassador Nandana Sen joined forces to ‘Save Support Secure’ the children of West Bengal who have been orphaned by either Covid-19 pandemic or Cyclone Yaas. Together we raised a sum of more than INR 1 crore in which Nandana played a crucial role for mobilising support from various corners.

The initiative has finally seen the light of the day and we have started reaching out to the impacted children. In January 2022, Nandana visited the implementation locations in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal wherein she interacted with beneficiary children and their families.

Bal Raksha Bharat is kickstarting the response by:

  • Providing INR 3000 a month for 12 months as sponsorship to the children who are drastically affected by Cyclone Yaas and Covid-19 pandemic
  • Setting-up a Multi Activity Centre (MAC) to address learning gap of out-of-school children
  • Providing psychosocial support to children and families suffering mental trauma
Gaurav Sharma

“ I am editor and technical person at Bal Raksha Bharat who publish some article and posts. I am responsible for evaluating, editing, consistency, and user experience of articles across website."

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