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Ladakh is Promoting Peace Education to Develop a Culture of Peace

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Leh, 06 June: In a bid to get peace education incorporated within formal education curriculum, Bal Raksha Bharat in collaboration Education Department, LAHDC (Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council) and other stakeholders came together in a UT level consultation on peace Education. More than 70 participants including children joined together to discuss on issues like the need for peace education, child safeguarding policy in school, School safety and security. Children raised their voices with specific challenges and good practices at school and in community. Also, the technical session took place with government officials, scholars and educationists in panel who then further deliberated session with question and answers from CEO (Chief Education officer), ZEO (Zonal Education Officers) Teachers and Head master.

The consultation aims to establish a successful peace education programme in the formal education systems in a systemic and collaborative approach. Leading peace education academicians and practitioners shared information and experiences to develop a common understanding on peace education that will help children safely develop their physical and intellectual capacities and celebrate diversity. They are also urging the government to include Child Safeguarding Policy and School Safety into the education system.

When integrated in formal school setting, peace education will help in promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behaviour changes that will enable children to resolve conflict peacefully and to create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an intrapersonal, interpersonal, inter-group, national or international level. Peace education will help educators to deliver context specific knowledge and skills to de-stress children and teachers with the involvement of communities, local leaders and authorities.
Sudarshan Suchi, CEO, Bal Raksha Bharat India, who was present during the consultation said, “A peace education curriculum is neither sufficient nor effective without trained teachers to impart it. We are happy to be a part of this consultative approach for formalizing and institutionalizing peace education as theory and therapy towards building a culture of safe learning environment and peaceful coexistence in and around schools. Bal Raksha Bharat with support from HCL would be happy to collaborate with the government to build teachers’ capacity to undertake peace education. Simultaneous actions at various levels – policy and administrative – addressing curriculum, pedagogy and resources are required. Additionally, teacher education and parent and community involvement are essential”

Nidhi Pundhir, Director, HCL Foundation, said “We believe World Peace starts with Self Peace. HCL Foundation (HCLF), the CSR arm of HCL Technologies, is delighted to be associated with Bal Raksha Bharat (Bal Raksha Bharat), the HCL Grant Winner in the Education category for its project Promoting Quality Education through a culture of peace and safe learning environments for the most marginalized children of Jammu & Kashmir.
HCL Foundation is pleased to support our NGO partner Bal Raksha Bharat, which aims to introduce peace education and school safety into the state’s mainstream education system with the collaboration of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council and the Directorate of School Education, Ladakh. HCLF will always extend its support in building a conducive and healthy atmosphere with all our stakeholders like teachers, educationists, peace scholars, community members, and local and state authorities. Our collective objective is to create a secure atmosphere, especially during the formative years of a child, so that they can become responsible citizens of the country.

About Bal Raksha Bharat

Bal Raksha Bharat runs programmes to address children’s needs in 11 Indian states and Union Territories. Globally known as Save the Children, the organisation works in 116 countries, on issues related to education, health, protection and humanitarian/DRR needs of children, especially for those who are the most deprived and marginalized. Visit www.balrakshabharat.org for more information.

For further information and media queries, please contact:

Muzammil lone

Soumi Halder
Manager-Program Campaign and Communication, Programme Support

“With over 20 years of dedicated experience in the social development sector, I am passionate about championing child rights and community empowerment through innovative communication strategies. I am Manager for Programme Campaigns and Communication with Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children)."

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