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The Global Goals World Cup is an activist tournament for women and the first of its kind. In this, the teams choose one of the 17 Global Goals to take action on after the tournament. The 8 Enthusiasts’ from Bal Raksha Bharat India are all ready to be a part of the Global Goals World Cup (GGWCup). With the team motto ‘Education is the Key’, these girls will be part of an open women’s -6 minutes a match -street soccer tournament.

The aim of this game is to leverage the power of sport to raise awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and engage women in achieving the SDGs. Here’s wishing the girls the very best for the upcoming GGWCup on 2 February in Mumbai.

To read more stories of our young champions www.savethechildren.in/resource/stories-of-change

You can get more updates on www.facebook.com/ggwcup/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARDITKMQd1mL8WEqyJZm-oo_EeqJ7xCdWojoNZc4l-blHbULo4ueKDGDSN4PIMfCsVeAKuEGdvRigLN5&fref=mentions

Gaurav Sharma

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