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The Jharkhand State Commission for Protection of Child Rights in collaboration with Bal Raksha Bharat’s Jharkhand State Programme Office had organised an interface of children with prominent political party leaders of the state to share their view about the dream Jharkhand and India that they want.

A children’s manifesto was launched at the meet. The manifesto contained the voice of 2050 children from 6 districts of the state. The meeting was organized in Ranchi along with representatives from different political parties, various political leaders and children.

Children constitute nearly 40 percent or a third of India’s population, in the last few years the health spending has failed to rise to 2.5% of the GDP as is desirable for middle-income group countries like India. These statistics reflect that as a nation we are not investing enough for children in the country. As 2019 is the year when India holds its general elections to elect a new central government for the next five years, presenting an election manifestos that holds the demands of the children is extremely important.

Against this backdrop, this consultation was held with a view to voice children’s demands. Children discussed their issues around their right to survival, development, protection, and participation. Certain key demands of children ranged from the availability of quality education, eradication of child labour, set up special POCSO and JJA courts to ensure justice to child victims and preventable deaths due to Pneumonia and Diarrhoea of children under five.

Gaurav Sharma

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