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It is truly remarkable how becoming a volunteer in India, a nation which has demonstrated a recent track record of fast-paced social change and development, can not only enrich your own life but also strengthen entire communities. Serving as an NGO volunteer allows you to take on some of the most pressing issues in the world, and solve them in the Indian context, by using insights of local realities and dynamics. Let us delve into six ways that volunteering with NGOs can catalyse personal growth, professional development, and meaningful societal change.

1. Living a life of purpose

It is rare for people to be able to align their commitments and goals with their personal purpose. Working with an NGO offers people a platform to achieve this alignment, whether it is advocating for education, healthcare, environmental stewardship, or poverty alleviation. This drives volunteers to invest their energy in projects that matter, not just to them but to entire communities, in collaboration with governments and local organisations. At the heart of these large and far-reaching efforts are the efforts of NGO volunteers, who take ahead a movement to better the world in their own unique ways.

2. Developing essential life and career skills

Volunteering is one of the best pathways for skilling development, simply because it dynamically brings together both the acquisition of skills and their implementation with greater speed and scale. NGO volunteers quickly have to pick up new modalities in teamwork, communication, leadership and problem-solving, in order for the NGO’s operations to maintain effectiveness. These capabilities transfer well to professional settings. Since NGO operations are increasingly guided by Government of India programmes and through CSR funding, the work experience is often recognised by governments, the corporate sector, and educational institutions.  Thus, the skills acquired as a volunteer in India synergise both personal advancement and community service.

3. Enhancing personal growth and self-discovery

The stability and comfort zone of our lives tends to insulate us from the larger world. Exposure to diverse cultures and worldviews, however, is crucial, in building empathy and resilience, and this is the atmosphere of growth that NGOs can create. By living, working and interacting with people from cultures very different from their own, volunteers gain insights and perspectives that foster a deeper connection with the communities they serve, as well as a richer understanding of themselves.

4. Becoming a role model and inspiring others

Volunteers not only contribute to making the world a better place- they also lead by example, whether through mentoring, advocating for better health practices, or promoting sustainability. They can act as advocates for the work of NGOs and evangelise the power of social impact at the grassroots level. This is why volunteers, after having gained considerable experience, are placed in mentorship roles that magnify their ability to inspire and engage others.

5. Making a tangible impact in the lives of others

There is perhaps no greater satisfaction than knowing that your volunteer efforts lead to tangible outcomes that have benefited and truly transformed lives. The enduring multiplier effect of enhancing access to education, improving healthcare, or advocating for sustainable practices imbues every single action with greater value.  Volunteers, working in partnership with their NGOs, larger civil society, and governments, are able to place their efforts within the broader strategic frameworks that are designed to achieve significant change over time.

6. Building a social network and expanding opportunities

Volunteering is also an incredible way of meeting people, forging lasting relationships with those who share your passions, and having access to a network of fellow volunteers, community leaders, and experts. Civil society’s strong linkages with corporations, government, and other stakeholders mean that volunteering can open doors to new professional avenues and a larger gamut of collaborative projects.

Volunteerism, therefore, can act as a powerful conduit for many kinds of change. Volunteering with Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children India) offers a unique opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of underprivileged children and their families. Volunteers are able to take ahead the NGO’s diverse programmes focused on education, health, and child protection, in local communities and being part of a network of passionate individuals.


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