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From Ignorance to Empowerment: Aslam’s Journey to Informed Parenthood

Success Stories

I remain mostly busy with work to make one square meal for family…so heath and healthcare has never been a priority for me and my family. We never knew about the importance of complete immunization of child and how government is prioritizing this. Now I feel indebted to the support I have received for my daughter; this will make me to aware others in my community about immunization;” mentions a smiling Aslam

Nestled in the village of Sai Purwa in Jamunaha Block of Sravasti District of Uttar Pradesh, India, Aslam’s family solely relied on agriculture for their livelihood. With struggle to meet both ends and being semi-literate both Aslam and his wife could not prioritise healthcare live apart that of their infant Inayat. This family did not have any idea about the importance of completion of primary immunization that the government emphasizes for every neonate and infant.

Little did they know that a transformative journey awaited them, to improve the health condition of their daughter. All this could be achieved with relentless from the Block Aspirational Program (BAP) of Bal Raksha Bharat (also known as Save the Children), that is being implemented to support Government of India’s initiative to prevent infant and under-five mortality by ensuring access to health-care facilities.

Inayat, Aslam’s one-year-old child, had missed out on the benefits of regular vaccination, simply because his family lacked the correct information. Upon learning about this missed opportunity, the health department, along with Poshan-Sarthi Asha Mishra and her team, visited Aslam’s home, to sensitise the family about immunization and its relevance in child growth and development. Initially both Aslam and his wife were in denial and were not ready immunize little Inayat. With relentless follow-up visits from the Poshan Sarthi along with the Aganwadi Worker Maina Verma and ASHA Worker Indu Pathak a positive change could be brought in the lives of Aslam and other families like him.

Asha Mishra took charge, providing comprehensive information about vaccinations and highlighting their long-term benefits. Aslam’s family, armed with knowledge after clearing their doubts and misconceptions, eagerly attended the vaccination session along with their child Inayat. Led by ANM Didi, Inayat received all the necessary vaccinations and the family was educated about the paracetamol (PCM) syrup dosage, that are prescribed after immunization. As a result of this proactive initiative, the family transformed from being unaware to actively participating in their child’s health journey.

Today, Aslam’s family radiates happiness. Empowered with newfound knowledge about vaccines, they have committed to ensure that Baby Inayat receive all vaccinations on time. Their joy is infectious, spreading the message of informed parenthood within their community.

Under the Block Aspirational Program, Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children) continues its mission to create awareness and support the health department in achieving 100% vaccination and VAB (Village, Aganwadi, Block) convergence in the Jamunaha block of Shravasti district.

Through the dedication of frontline healthcare workers, Aslam’s transformative story serves as a promise, showcasing the power of information and community collaboration.

Gaurav Sharma
Content Reviewer

“I am an editor and technical specialist at Bal Raksha Bharat, responsible for publishing articles and posts. My role involves evaluating content for consistency, and ensuring a positive user experience across the website."


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