Reports on Child Protection and Welfare Initiatives
Child-Centred Urban Humanitarian Response
Planning and Action for Urban Settings in India
The new global report analyses how the climate crisis is having a profound impact on children’s rights, especially for children most affected by poverty and discrimination
Cost of Universailising Early Childhood Education in India
Why is the Universalisation of Early Childhood Education (ECE) an investment and not a cost? Bal Raksha Bharat’s New Reports Offers Answers
A Policy Brief: Cost of Universailising Early Childhood Education in India
Key recommendations to policymakers on why and how universalisation of Early Childhood Education (ECE) services can be achieved
‘Creating a Childhood of Possibilities’ is a document that unpacks our dreams, aspirations, plans and milestones that we want to achieve for children in the next three years along with all our enablers and supporters– in development terms what we call our Strategy 2022-24.
For the first time ever, our youngest partners – children have co-written this manifesto of change, recovery and rebuilding after the pandemic and the document also throws light on how they want us to work for and with them to device children led changes. The document talks about our the programmatic priorities and approach which will be enabled by all functions, systems and mechanisms across the organisations. -
World of India’s Girls: WINGS 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has been harsh on all of us. But for the adolescent girls of India, it has been unsparing. The third edition of our flagship report World of India’s Girls (WINGS) 2022 shines a a Spotlight on Adolescent Girls Amid Covid-19.
Born into the Climate Crisis: Why We Must Act Now to Secure Children’s Rights
The threat posed to children and their rights by the climate crisis is not theoretical: it is real. This new report by Bal Raksha Bharat International explores how the climate crisis is a children’s crisis and suggests the way forward on climate action.
Baseline Study for ‘Build It Better’ Nutrition Project in Jharkhand: Final Report
Bal Raksha Bharat has collaborated with NITI Aayog and Herbalife to support two of the most affected Aspirational Districts (West Singhbhum and Gumla) in Jharkhand to improve the nutritional outcome for all the children and women in the targeted geography by strengthening the ICDS systems and by creating an enabling environment that results in evidence based, sustainable, multi-sectoral nutrition actions delivered at scale. This baseline study creates a reference for tracking the result level indicators which contribute towards improving nutrition for all children and women as well as generate local evidence and learnings.
Baseline Study for Vision Healthy India Project on Malnutrition: Fight Against the Silent Emergency in Delhi
Child malnutrition is a key cause for over two-fifth of all under five mortalities in India. Children living in metropolitan slums are at even more risk of different under-nutrition states like stunting, wasting etc. Identifying this challenge of poor nutrition levels among infants, children and mothers in “Bhanwar Singh Camp” of Vasant Vihar, Delhi, Bal Raksha Bharat has proposed to implement a project called ‘Vision Healthy India – Fight Against the Silent Emergency” involving an integrated package of multi-sectoral interventions related to WASH, early childhood development and maternal, new-born and child health. A baseline study was undertaken to set benchmarks of measurable output and outcome indicators at the beginning of the project.
Coverage of Essential Nutrition Interventions in Rural West Bengal
The conspicuously low coverage of services at household level is a clear indicator of poor convergence of government schemes and programs. It is a reflection of a disjointed action on the part of various departments of the government. Read this report to understand how far the convergence has reached to the most vulnerable households of Sundarbans, West Bengal (India).
Pattern of Household Income-Expenditure & Coverage of Social Protection Schemes:
This study report throws light on the interrelation between household incomes and affordability of nutritious food at a family level among the ultra-poor, through a sample drawn from Chaibasa and Tonto blocks of West Singhbhum district in Jharkhand. The report reveals how a majority of the marginalized population is still unable to afford nutritious food and lacks the knowledge, awareness and access to nutrition focused social protection schemes, while the well-off population draws the benefits out of them.
Public Expenditure Review on Nutrition in Jharkhand:
This report analyses why the key nutrition indicators in the state of Jharkhand continue to be low despite the focused actions taken by the Government of Jharkhand to achieve the Nutrition Mission’s aspiration. It throws light on some major drivers for high prevalence of stunting, underweight, and anaemia among children and women and also makes pertinent recommendations for course correction.
Dividends of Faith – Review of Public Expenditures on Adolescents in Bihar – Between 2015-16 and 2020-21:
This study report analyses the public expenditure made for the adolescents of Bihar between 2015-16 to 2020-21. The report considers the context of COVID-19, prolonged lockdowns and suspension on education and other public services and throws light on the implementation challenges and suggest some key imperatives for strengthening adolescent programs in the state.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) study on gender norms and social practices that restrict young girls’ economic empowerment:
This qualitative study throws light on the existing social and gender norms, barriers and challenges that inhibits adolescents’ access to education and it’s alternatives, social protection, sexual and reproductive health rights, skill building or livelihood in West Bengal.
The report is a part of the global research study conducted in 46 countries which analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the lives of children when it comes to their protection, health, education and over well-being and make some truly pertinent recommendations as the way ahead.
Executive Summary: ‘Protect A Generation: Climate Security for India’s Children’ Report
The growing instances of extreme weather events like floods, cyclones, erosions in disaster prone areas increases the socio economic and psychosocial vulnerabilities of children living in these geographies and threatens their fundamental rights, says PwC India – Bal Raksha Bharat India study on ‘Protect a Generation: Climate security for India’s children’.
THE MANY FACES OF EXCLUSION: End of Childhood Report 2019
In commemoration of International Children’s Day, Bal Raksha Bharat releases its second annual End of Childhood Index, taking a hard look at the events that rob children of their childhoods and prevent them from reaching their full potential.
Education Report Card Of India
The report card is on selected 10 indicators to know the status of the Right to Education Act.
Our second Global End of Childhood Report and Childhood Index that examines “childhood enders” around the world. Factors like poverty, conflict and discrimination against girls are putting more than 1.2 billion children at risk of having an early end to their childhood.