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Bal Raksha Bharat, in partnership with Nokia Solutions India Pvt. Ltd has benefitted over 6 lakh people, including 2.5 lakh children through their ‘Building Resilience of Children and their Communities’ project. The 3-level integrated intervention of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) and Information Technology, across 350 villages, capacitated communities affected by developmental and weather-related risks.

India is among the most disaster risk-prone and vulnerable countries in the world. Children are often the most affected in such situations as their education, nutrition, safety and overall care and protection is jeopardized. Child-Centered Resilience and Adaptation (CCRA) is a niche approach of Bal Raksha Bharat towards an accountable implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Agreements as well as New Urban Agenda with the integration of SDG. The organization has developed an innovative approach towards empowering Children, Communities, Institutions and Governance with five pillars of Action in Disaster Risk Reduction.

To read the full story in TheAsianAge, please click here


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