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Importance of Education for Unprivileged Children


For years, education has been the tipping point for individuals to transcend their limitations. The advent of charitable organisation has made it possible for gifted and hard working children to have access to opportunities they could not have imagined before.Along with higher education, learning enables today’s children to become decisive intelligent decision makers, creating a beneficial value chain that can uplift entire communities. The NGO is closely aligned with the government’s vision for education, jobs and prosperity for all.

Spread awareness across different stakeholders

We need to ensure that businesses are sensitized towards the harms of child labour and they refrain from hiring children for work which will, in turn, discourage parents and children to choose money over education. Large scale campaigns and events can be used for educating stakeholders. Action 2015 is such an event which saw over 2200 organisations worldwide to come together and raise the issue of child rights and education. The need of the hour is to make communities aware of their rights and proud of a child’s education. Educated communities will not just create better citizens but also ensure better employment and enterprise.

Importance of girl child education

Such a gender gap in education is because of the callous attitude of our society which considers women as primarily housewives and family caretakers. Being educated gives an equal opportunity to women to be an employee and a skilled worker who uses their learning as a boon that will help better the future of their families. NGOs like Bal Raksha Bharat have many modules working solely to ensure that all girls are educated and enabled to grow up as capable adults who can take care of not just themselves but also add something to their community. Educated girls also help end unfair social evils like child marriage and dowry.

Read Also: The Significance of Girl Child Rights in Modern Society

How Bal Raksha Bharat works for education

In 2015, the NGO touched the lives of over 1 lakh children in the city of New Delhi via the Childhood Care and Development programme which was involved in street children rehabilitation, child labour rescue, and maternal and newborn care. The NGO also launched a Disaster Risk Reduction project across 31 of the city’s slums as a part of our Making Schools Safer programme. During Chennai floods, apart from supplying various hygiene kits, food baskets and education kits to households stuck in floods we also provide Child-Friendly Spaces and access to play areas to children.

In Mumbai, Bal Raksha Bharat reached out to the underprivileged children using a Mobile Learning Centre in our Ride to School programme. In Bengaluru, The NGO advocated for implementing the Right to Education for the street children with various school authorities and also helped in building up capacities of 26 Anganwadi centres and 60 primary schools that benefitted 7,000 children. In Kolkata, our ‘Street to School’ programme helped education reach street-children taken out of work.


NGOs like Bal Raksha Bharat need the support of government bodies, corporations, and most importantly, individuals. Along with enthusiasm and support from the common individual, it is heartening to see hard-earned donations and a sense of public concern power an NGO’s influence and reach across India. To play your part, you should also donate to NGO fundraising to give India’s children a future. Donations push forward the various ongoing projects, while propelling the NGO’s relief efforts to ensure that education and health care is not compromised in times of natural calamities. Bal Raksha Bharat has won awards, acclaim, and most importantly adoration from generations of children who it has given a future to.

Gaurav Sharma
Content Reviewer

“I am an editor and technical specialist at Bal Raksha Bharat, responsible for publishing articles and posts. My role involves evaluating content for consistency, and ensuring a positive user experience across the website."


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