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Monday | 15th July 2024
Success Stories
Pavitra’s Ambitious Journey to Financial Independence dream to Fly High

“Determination is the key to overcome any obstacle,” as mentioned by Pavitra At just 19 years old, Pavitra’s journey from…

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Friday | 05th July 2024
Success Stories
Rebuilding with Resilience- Priti’s Inspiring Journey

“I have been struggling to afford daily necessities, so receiving the 17-item hygiene kit has been immensely helpful for both…

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Prevention of child labour | Bal Raksha Bharat
Wednesday | 26th June 2024
Child Protection
Top 5 strategies to combat child labour in India

The prevention of child labour is a problem, not just in India but across the globe. However, in deliberating on…

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Donate for Child Education | Bal Raksha Bharat
Thursday | 20th June 2024
Educating Underprivileged Children in India

Our nation is full of people who are all aspiring to live a better life. Despite being diverse, with many…

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