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Monday | 01st July 2024
How to Support Communities in Need

Poverty, in and of itself, cannot be addressed by simply offering benefits to the needy. Instead, it requires a holistic…

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Right to Education | Bal Raksha Bharat
Monday | 01st July 2024
What is Right to Education in India (RTE)

What is Right to Education (RTE) in India? People often ask what is Right to Education Act? The Right to…

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Importance Of Girl Child Rights | Bal Raksha Bharat
Friday | 28th June 2024
The Significance of Girl Child Rights in Modern Society

Unveiling the Power and Potential of the Girl Child A girl child is not only a beneficiary of progress but…

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child abuse and girl child safety
Wednesday | 26th June 2024
Child Protection
Child Abuse and Importance of Child Protection

What is Child Abuse? Children can be vulnerable by virtue of their young age and evolving capacities. They can be…

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