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Wednesday | 04th September 2024
Success Stories
Little Champion: Inspiring Healthy Eating Habits Among Friends

Meet our young hero, Arjun, a true champion in promoting healthy eating habits. Arjun, a vibrant and enthusiastic student, has…

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Thursday | 01st August 2024
Latest News
Drone That Delivers Lifesaving Supplies to Disaster-Hit Communities Dispatched to Government

A drone that can deliver food, water, and medical supplies to hard-to-reach communities in Himachal Pradesh, northern India, was handed…

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NGO for Children | Bal Rakhsha Bharat
Wednesday | 03rd July 2024
5 Ways To Eliminate Child Labour

When we examine the issue of child labour, we must consider two major facts: child labour is not a problem…

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Child Abuse Prevention Strategies
Tuesday | 25th June 2024
What We Can Do to Prevent Child Abuse in India

Abuse and neglect are defined as “injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child”. This abuse…

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