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Uttar Pradesh Projects

Projects in Uttar Pradesh

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Creating Learning Friendly Environment in Schools: The project aims to improve learning ability of children in select primary schools of block Barauli Ahir in district Agra. The project strives to build a positive outlook of the community towards education, especially for girls. Along with academics the project also promotes extracurricular activities in schools and inculcates the habit of reading and orients students towards socially useful public work. The project also purports to build a comfortable and resourceful school environment pleasing to teachers, students and community so that a pride and ownership towards the school develops.
Theme: Education

Project Vishwaas

Setting the global benchmark for quality management (Prevent, Protect, Diagnose and Treat): of Pneumonia : The project seeks to increase community awareness of pneumonia, improve care seeking behaviour and enhance case detection and its management at community and facility level. The project has a nested operation research component on a device called CHARM (Children’s Automatic Respiratory Monitor) specifically designed to detect pneumonia in low resource areas.
Theme: Health & Nutrition


This is an integrated multi themed project focused on child survival. It aims to bring a lasting change in the lives of underprivileged children so that they receive the required health, nutrition, development, and education services and reach their full age-specific potential. The key project components include improvement of maternal, new born and child health and nutrition care by building capacities of front line personnel from health, ICDS, basic education and PRI departments.
Theme: Health & Nutrition

Making #The Invisibles Visible through Legal Identity

The project works with child welfare commission, probation officers, child care institutions, police and administration, banks and post offices. The project aims to provide a legal identity to children in street situation by linking them with Adhaar, date of birth certificate and similar document that are issued by the government. The project also equips the children with soft and vocational skills and works towards their financial inclusion.
Theme: Child Protection

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