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Projects in Odisha

Education to Empowerment

Strengthening the education system by building capacity of crucial duty bearers at village and district level. The project is being implemented in 90 schools and 90 anganwadies across 29 panchayats in districts of Kendrapara and Koraput. Intervention include improving teaching-learning processes, enhancing the physical and educational environment at school and focus on school community relationships.
Theme: Education

Creating Education Opportunities for Children from the Most Marginalized communities

The project aims to harbinger a child-friendly learning environment in state-run preschools (anganwadi centers) and make preschool children school ready. The project is being run in 200 anganwadi centres and 100 schools across Kandhamal and Boudh districts. Initiatives include training of anganwadi workers on Early Livelihood Skills that Matter (ELM) approach, strengthen anganwadi development committees, introduce NUA-ARUNIMA curriculum and anganwadi assistants trained on appropriate techniques of working with young children.
Theme: Education

Addressing Malnutrition Among Children in Mumbai slums

To project seeks to ensure access and utilization of basic maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition services for first 1,000 days of a child’s life. Under the project the community management of children with acute malnutrition not requiring medical treatment (CMAM) has been successfully rolled out. This has been achieved through enhancing capacity of front line health and ICDS workers and Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) staff and systematic screening, identification and tracking of malnourished children. The communities have increasingly adopted Young Child Feeding (IYCN) practices influenced by Behaviour Change Communication (BCC).
Theme: Education

Ready to Learn (ECCE)

The project intent is to advocate for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) to be a right of every child (3-6 years). The approach includes formation of ECCE advisory group, ECCE consultation with key stakeholders, establishment of state-level resource center on “Ready to Learn” and generate evidence and research from consultations and implementation of good practices. The project is being run in 245 Anganwadi centres in Khorda district.
Theme: Education

Humanitarian Response to Cyclone FANI

As part of humanitarian response to cyclone Fani, Bal Raksha Bharat carried out relief activities and reached out to affected families through education, shelter and hygiene kits. Also, Child-friendly Spaces cum temporary learning centers were set up.

Theme: Humanitarian Response

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