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Projects in Maharashtra

Creating Opportunities For Technology Enabled Learning In 15 ZPPS Schools In Pune

The project introduces ICT enabled learning in Zila Parishad run schools. The objective is to make the process of learning more informative and interactive with use of computers. The project is run in collaboration with District Institute for Education and Continuous Professional Development (DIECPD).
Theme: Education

Building Blocks For The Right Start

The project intent is to improve access to quality and play based early learning for children aged 3-8 years. The approach comprises engaging children in play-based activities for early stimulation, emergent literacy and math. Use of locally available objects and play materials easily available in the child’s context is encouraged. Training has been provided on play based early learning to anganwadi workers, anganwadi helpers, primary school teachers and parents. Play corners have been setup in anganwadi centres.
Theme: Education

Addressing Malnutrition Among Children in Mumbai slums

To project seeks to ensure access and utilization of basic maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition services for first 1,000 days of a child’s life. Under the project the community management of children with acute malnutrition not requiring medical treatment (CMAM) has been successfully rolled out. This has been achieved through enhancing capacity of front line health and ICDS workers and Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) staff and systematic screening, identification and tracking of malnourished children. The communities have increasingly adopted Young Child Feeding (IYCN) practices influenced by Behaviour Change Communication (BCC).
Theme: Health & Nutrition

Project Kushal

The project provides IT-based training on Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) to the staff working in government health facilities with the help of a video conferencing platform. The project also provides mentor support to the primary and secondary health facilities on patient care, advocates establishment of skill labs in the medical college/ general hospital to provide refresher trainings, supports establishment of standard recording and reporting systems, data analysis and use of data for improvement in quality of health services. The training is provided in collaboration with BJ Medical College, Pune.
Theme: Health & Nutrition

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