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Madhya Pradesh Projects

Projects in Madhya Pradesh

Keeping Learning Alive during COVID 19 pandemic

Support students from the most marginalised communities by making provisions for alternative learning opportunities for children thereby reducing the loss of learning during school closure. 10000 children (6-14 age group) have benefited directly from the project. The project is being implemented in Badwani district.
Theme: Education

Shubh Aarambh 2.0 Project

The project is being implemented in 49 government schools of Gohad block in Bhind district. It aims to improve knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards nutrition and healthy lifestyles among school-age children (7-14 years) as a part of their overall education. Activities include health and hygiene-related sessions with school children, enhancing the capacities of teachers to incorporate health and hygiene teaching in the classroom, strengthen children’s parliament to take lead in inculcating healthy habits in students, facilitate health camps in schools, and handhold the children and teachers to develop kitchen gardens in schools. 6000 school children, 98 mentor teachers, 6000 parents and 490 SMC members have been engaged under the project.
Theme: Health & Nutrition

Health, nutrition, and education and WASH support for children and communities impacted by COVID-19

Health, nutrition, education, and WASH support provided for children and women in vulnerable communities who have been impacted by COVID-19 in two blocks of Badwani district. Intervention includes support to government primary health facilities, ensure ICDS centers and schools are equipped for safe return of children and to improve the health, nutrition and WASH services for children at the community, school and ICDS center. 9100 children have directly benefited from the project.
Theme: Health & Nutrition

Trapped in Cotton: 2.0

Combating Child Labour in Cotton Production: The project aims to reduce and prevent incidence of child labour amongst at-risk children (6-14 years) from farm labour households working in cotton farms. The project is being implemented in 200 most vulnerable cotton-producing villages in Dhar and Badwani districts. The primary focus in on formation and strengthening of community-based structures like, Child Protection Committees, Children Groups/Bal Cabinets, Women Self Help Groups, Youth Groups, Farmers Groups, School Management Committees. A total of 36,488 community members have been sensitized on child rights under the project. 100 Learning and Resource Centers have been established in project villages. These resource centers provide space for children to engage meaningfully & creatively for improving and sharpening their learning and social skills. The project also focuses on employability through skill development of youth (15 to 24 years).
Theme: Child Protection

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