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Projects in Kerala

Humanitarian assistance to children and communities affected by floods in Kerala in 2018: Bal Raksha Bharat worked towards providing relief and rehabilitation to those in need when the state of Kerala was hit by devastating floods in which more than 350 people were killed. This had been the worst flooding the state has witnessed since 1924.

Relief Phase & Early Recovery

In the wake of the floods Bal Raksha Bharat emerged as a leading responder for children and their families. It reached out to the affected people through the distribution of shelter, hygiene and education kits. Essential household items were provided to 10,000 families. Repair work of 90 schools and 90 day care centers, with focus on education and hygiene activities were also undertaken simultaneously. Child friendly spaces for children were set up which provided them with psycho-social support, learning and recreation facilities.
Theme: Humanitarian Response

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