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Delhi Projects

Projects in Delhi

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Fostering Continuum in Early and Primary Education of 3-14 Years Old Children: The project aims at improving the quality and continuity in a child’s experience as he/she transitions from early childhood care and education into the primary grade. The project is being run in 250 anganwadi centres and 35 schools of North Delhi Municipal Corporation in North and North West districts of Delhi. Initiatives include training of anganwadi workers on ‘Ready to Learn’ approach, formation and strengthening of anganwadi development committees and school management committees, Building Learning Environment in Schools (BLES) in anganwadis and schools
Theme: Education

Increased Preparedness in Schools and Urban Slum Communities in Delhi NCT

This intervention intends to sensitize and develop capacities of children, youth and communities towards resilient school and resilient community against natural disasters. Capacities are being built in four thematic areas, namely: Early Warning, Search & Rescue, First Aid and Shelter Management. The project is being implemented in 30 North Delhi Municipal Corporation Schools and 10 slum communities surrounding the schools in North district of Delhi.
Theme: Education

Vision Healthy India-Fight Against the Silent Emergency

The focus of this project is to improve nutrition status of under 5 children and pregnant/lactating mothers in the economically marginal community. The project would help identify Severe Acute Malnourished (SAM)/Moderate Acute Malnourished (MAM) cases and facilitate their linkages with the secondary and tertiary care facilities.
Theme: Health & Nutrition

Preventing Child Labour and Protecting the Rights of Children Engaged in Work in the Garment Industry in Delhi

The project adopts a ‘continuum of care’ approach towards rehabilitating and preventing child labour. The strategy consists of direct action with working children, youth and those at risk to improve their existing situations and offer them opportunities for schooling and learning of vocational skills. Sensitisation and awareness raising with institutions, employers, manufacturers, communities and other stakeholders in combating child labour is done. The project is being implemented in South and South East district of Delhi.
Theme: Child Protection

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