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Assam Projects

Projects in Assam

Digital Inclusion

Entails creating the infrastructure and processes for delivery of education, livelihood, governance, financial inclusion and healthcare through digital connectivity anchored in a hub and spoke model. The project aims at enhancing employability of youth in skilled occupations and improving the learning outcomes and academic performance of children. It also leverages digital technology to facilitate access of rural households to relevant government schemes, improve reach of banking services and facilitate referral of patients to treatment facilities.
Theme: Poverty & Inclusion

Empowering the Children and Communities in Tea Plantations

The project is designed to minimize incidence of abuse and exploitation of children. This is achieved through (i) engaging and sensitizing the tea producing companies / tea plantations, labour unions and industry associations with regards to child rights so as to protect the rights of children in tea plantations, (ii) strengthen the child protection mechanisms at district level through enhancing its capacity to address, refer and respond to cases of child labour, violence and abuse of children, (iii) increase awareness among children and community on child rights.
Theme: Child Protection

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