Projects in Tamil nadu
Tesco Scholarship Project
Intent is to improve the access to higher education of deserving students (especially girls) from economically marginalised families engaged in TESCO’s supply chain. The project aims to support 1000 students by funding their entire education expenses. In addition, the project also creates awareness on professional skilling alternatives among adolescents, youths and their families and provides avenues to improve life skills (LS) among the aspirants.
Theme: Education
Improving Access to WASH Facilities in 30 Government schools
This partnership with Sun Foundation proposes to improve water, sanitation and hygiene practices across 30 elementary government schools in Thiruvallur district directly reaching to 6000+ children and indirectly serving 5000+ population.
Theme: Health & Nutrition
Creating A Safe And Enabling Experience For Children Online
With increased use of digital technology, children are often found to be online, unsupervised and unaided. This has lead to children being exposed to online abuse, sexual exploitation and grooming. The project intends to create awareness amongst children, parents, caregivers and educators, and advocate with policy makers to mitigate potential risks, and ensure children’s online experiences are safe and positive.
Theme: Child Protection
Comprehensive school safety
To promote a culture of disaster risk reduction and awareness on climate change through a comprehensive school safety education. The project reaches 300 children and 30 teachers across 10 schools.
Theme: Child Protection