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Approach Innovation

Innovation and Process

The right approach through innovation ensures that welfare services are available to all children without any discrimination. Any issue that causes a child rights violation is an indication of deep-seated problems within the foundations and fabric of our society. We, at Bal Raksha Bharat, identify these issues and work with children, families, communities and government stakeholders to devise robust solutions to alleviate the impact of these problems that challenge the well-being of underprivileged children.

Bal Raksha Bharat was founded on the belief that every child is brimming with potential and all they need are the right opportunities and environment. This is exactly what we aim to do through the Innovation approach by planning and implementing programmes that ensure and sustain children’s overall growth and development. We employe new-age learning and approach and modern technology to come with solutions which address the most pertinent issues of children.

Process of BUILDING Innovation

Innovations bringing Impact at Scale

Here are a few images that speak volumes of our achievements.
This has only been possible because of our donors’ support.


Placed Community Cadre for Protecting Children within their own families and communities, which lead to lesser vulnerability among children. This ensured that State Governments recognise the value and encourage wider use of this model.


Integrated WHO and UNICEF 7 – point plan for Diarrhea Control and Prevention, which led to 52.7% reduction in diarrhea cases in project areas in 3 years and helped the aversion of over 12,000 diarrhea cases amongst children under 5 years.


Launched Multi-Purpose Resource Centres for Children, which enables child-friendly and child-sensitive processes for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection. It also facilitates coordination amongst essential stakeholders and enables early closure of a case. This model has been officially adopted by and implemented in Tamil Nadu.


Identified, nurtured, groomed, and developed the capacity of Child Champions, enabling them to bring about a change in their community and also fight for Child Rights.

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  • Started competency-based training for the Child Protection workforce in Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and West Bengal using virtual mediums
  • Developed Gulmohar – An Early Childhood Development (ECD) Curriculum Framework to strengthen ELM@HOME and also developed a response to a disaster situation that consists of easy-to-follow audio-visual aids using household items
  • Project-based Youth and Child Champions have taken a community-level lead in response to COVID-19 response by mobilising and supporting distributions
  • Initiated the mask-making process, according to guidelines provided by the government, in multiple project locations from Bihar to Rajasthan. Till date, almost 8,000 packs of the mask have been made for distribution
  • Brought Shiksha Baithak to the virtual platform aiming to support the teacher’s professional development and learning among children
  • Developed Standard Operating Procedure for Adolescent and Youth Skilling Programme and Policy Brief on Improving Skill Building for Marginalised Adolescents and Youth in India